Orthodontic Treatment with Invisalign® 

At Discover Dental we offer the latest in orthodontic services with Invisalign® clear braces.

Invisalign® Clear Braces

With Invisalign® you simply insert and wear a set of clear plastic aligners over a period of time. By progressing through your sets of customised invisible aligners, your teeth continue to move and straighten into position. It’s that simple and that easy.

Teeth straightening with Invisalign®

At the start of your treatment we can show you, with our 3-D computer imaging technology your potential new look. That way, you can get a clear impression of the likely end result, and your improved new smile! We can even show you this prediction in a photo of your face reducing the need for your imagination.

What's more, through straightening your teeth, you can make a significant difference to having a healthier mouth and keeping your teeth for life. Teeth not properly aligned in your mouth can lead to periodontal disease and create abnormal amounts of stress on teeth and jaws.

Be assured, with Invisalign® you are not only improving the look of your teeth; you are also improving the long-term life and health of your teeth. All important steps in maintaining your long-term dental health and appearance.

When can you use Invisalign® clear braces?

With Invisalign® clear braces a range of treatments solutions can be provided. Whether you are suffering from:

  • Overcrowding of your teeth
  • Teeth spacing/gaps between your teeth
  • Protruding teeth/buck teeth
  • Non-central alignment of your front teeth (midline shift); or
  • Bite misalignment/overbite/bite correction

Depending on your particular case, Discover Dental can determine if the Invisalign® treatment programme is appropriate for you.

The many benefits of Invisalign®

With the Invisalign® unique patented design you can enjoy many benefits, including:

  • Clear aligners that are virtually invisible.
  • Easy removal of the aligner - making it easy for you to remove when you eat, and when you clean your teeth.
  • Greater comfort – with Invisalign® there are no metal braces and wires.
  • No need for regular adjustment to metal braces – with Invisalign® you simply move up to the next aligner in the series.
  • You can view your own virtual treatment plan before you start - with Invisalign® you can visualise how your straight teeth will look when the treatment is complete.
  • A more aesthetic approach – Invisalign® aligners are made of thin, discrete and transparent plastic. The ultimate choice for many!

Invisalign® | Our Process

At Discover Dental a Trios Scanner is used during the planning stages of your Invisalign® treatment. This scanner quickly, easily and comfortably takes a digital impression of your teeth, eliminating the need for messy impressions. Your digital impressions are emailed directly to Invisalign® in the United States - instead of being posted. Compared with traditional impressions the Trios Scanner can drastically speed up the initial stages of your Invisalign® treatment. 

Invisalign® can be a simple and easy treatment option for straightening your teeth. There are three key stages to the treatment, which are detailed below:

1. The Initial Step

  • This includes an initial 15 minute consultation, which is complimentary, to discuss your alignment requirements and any other relevant treatment issues. In this session we will discuss with you your treatment options including the suitability of using the Invisalign® clear braces.
  • Once you are comfortable with the proposed plan, we will progress with taking dental records including photographs, scans of the teeth and skull x-rays. This is necessary to ensure we fully understand all aspects relating to your teeth and their positioning. This information is also necessary for developing your set of clear customised aligners.

2. Viewing of Predicted Results

  • Approximately two-three weeks later we will schedule an appointment with you. In this viewing session we can show you a virtual digital show of how your teeth and smile will progress over the treatment period.
  • That way you get to view the proposed path as you progress through the treatment. It also gives you the opportunity to ask any more specific questions about your Invisalign® treatment.

3. Your Treatment Commences

  • After you have approved that you want to move forward with treatment, we arrange for your customised aligners to be manufactured. This is completed offsite by a specialised Invisalign® technician.
  • When we receive your aligners, we arrange an appointment for your first fitting. This is the first in a series of fittings. Approximately every eight weeks you return and are fitted with your next progressive aligner. Once your initial aligner is fitted, it’s important that you wear each aligner for 22 hours a day. This is critical to the success of the Invisalign® treatment.
  • Early on in the treatment, we also will bond small tooth coloured fittings to your teeth to further support the realignment process. These tooth fittings are small and tooth coloured to ensure minimum visibility.
  • Throughout the treatment period, we also may slightly recontour your teeth to improve their shape and gain spacing if required.

1.  This patient had a large gap between their teeth before treatment.

2. After treatment with Invisalign®, the gap is closed and a beautiful smile created.

1.  A patient before treatment with mild lower crowding of their teeth.

2. After removal of a single tooth and treatment with Invisalign®, the lower teeth are lovely and straight.

1.  Another case of lower crowding before treatment.

2. Again, after removal of one tooth and treatment with Invisalign®, the patient has a beautiful straight smile.

Common Questions and Answers

How does Invisalign® work?

Invisalign® uses 3-D computer imaging technology to depict the complete treatment plan from the initial position to the final desired position from which a series of custom-made “aligners” are produced. Each aligner moves teeth incrementally and is worn for about two weeks, then replaced by the next in the series until the final desired position is achieved.

What are aligners made of?

Aligners are made of clear, strong medical grade non-toxic plastic that is virtually invisible when worn.

How long will treatment take?

The length of treatment is dependent on the severity of each individual patient’s orthodontic issues. Treatment may vary from anywhere between 6 months to 2 1/2 years with an average treatment taking around 8 to 14 months.

How does Invisalign® effectively move teeth?

Like brackets and arch wires, the Invisalign® aligner moves teeth through the appropriate placement of controlled force on the teeth. The principal difference is that Invisalign® not only controls forces, but also controls the timing of the force application. With each aligner, only certain teeth are allowed to move, and these movements are determined by the orthodontic treatment plan for that particular aligner. This results in an efficient force delivery system.

Will there be an initial consultation fee?

At Discover Dental, prior to commencing with the Invisalign® approach, we hold an initial on-site consultation. This appointment is free and usually takes just 20 minutes.

Is there a price reduction if I only require the top/bottom aligner?

The charge for Invisalign® is based upon the consultations needed and the 3-D modelling cost. Whether your treatment requires one arch or two arches (i.e. treatment to your top and bottom teeth) the price will be very similar.

What are Invisalign® i7 and Invisalign® Lite?

Invisalign® i7 and Invisalign® Lite may be appropriate for people who require only minor corrections of their teeth. This can be determined after the initial set of records are taken.

Are there restrictions on what I can eat while in treatment?

No. Unlike traditional orthodontics, you can usually eat whatever you desire while in treatment because you remove your aligners to eat and drink. Thus, there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favourite foods and snacks, unless instructed otherwise. Also, it is important that you brush your teeth after each meal and prior to reinserting your aligners to maintain proper hygiene.

Can I drink with aligners still on?

You should remove your aligners to drink anything except cold water. Leaving aligners on while drinking may stain them; risk tooth decay if you drink fluids containing sugar; and if you are drinking just clean hot water, you may warp the aligners.

Will smoking stain the aligners?

We discourage smoking while wearing aligners because it is possible for the aligners to become discoloured.

Can I chew gum while wearing aligners?

No, gum will stick to the aligners. We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks.

What's the best way to clean my aligners?

The best way to clean your aligners is by brushing and rinsing them in lukewarm water. We can also supply you with aligner cleaning tablets which are available to purchase. Alternatively, you can also simply soak them in white vinegar diluted with water.

How often must I wear my aligners?

Your aligners/dental braces should be worn all day, except when eating, brushing and flossing. It’s important that you wear each aligner for 22 hours a day as this is critical to the success of the Invisalign® treatment.

Are you an orthodontist?

At Discover Dental we are not orthodontists, but highly skilled general dentists, professionally trained in the provision of orthodontic care. Dr Angela McKeefry (BDS) who does most of our orthodontics has over 12 years experience providing orthodontic care to patients in Wellington.  Because we are not orthodontists, we can provide a far greater range of care. This includes cosmetic tooth additions, the removal of any teeth needed for space to straighten the smile, and teeth cleaning which is very important when wearing dental braces. College age patients can have their routine teeth checks for free as part of the government Dental Benefit free scheme.

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